Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Has anyone been to the zoo in La Hoya De Mismiloya?

We heard from some of the local people in Mismiloya that their zoo was one of a kind. So we walked about 1/2 mile thru the town and came to a old-fashioned type of zoo. The name is "Zoologico de Vallarta". It is like the zoos of the past. You can get right up close to all the animals. You pay 50 pesos and they give you a bag of treats to feed the animals! The biggest attraction for the zoo is the tigers, lions, and jaguar cubs that you can hold! For a small fee, they let you get in an enclosure with all those little babies! It has always been a dream of mine to really pet a baby tiger or lion. The rest of the zoo is interesting with the fact that a person can get so close to the animal's cages. Here in the United States, you can't do that! For safety reasons for humans and animals. That's what I wonder about, are the animals being exploited for all us tourists? Or was it just a great old style zoo? Don't get me wrong, all the animals seemed very well fed %26amp; happy.

Has anyone been to the zoo in La Hoya De Mismiloya?
It's the first time I hear about a zoo there and i've been several times in Vallarta... I'll look for it next time I go.
Reply:We saw it when it was being built a few years ago. looked pretty small then. Have to check it out next trip.

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