Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cats are considered to be cousins of tiger & lion, then why do cats hate water when sprinkled over them?

Tigers play in water. Lions will hunt near water but not necessarily play in it. You are comparing domestic cats with wild cats. Some people bath their cats from the time they get them. Cats are a high maintenance in the grooming department. Every hair in its place and every flea shooed away. Water does not go with this look. And wet fur gives there position away while hunting. Can't cover your sent with a dust bath is you are smelly wet.

Cats are considered to be cousins of tiger %26amp; lion, then why do cats hate water when sprinkled over them?
Cats can swim, but the only stroke they know is the dog paddle and they are embarrassed to do it in public.
Reply:Tigers are the only Cats to like water, and excellent swimmers
Reply:not all of them do
Reply:So if ur cousin loves something it means u must love it too because u r cousins ? jk lol
Reply:there's a breed of cat that likes playing in water....can't remember which one tho
Reply:House cats aren't usually raised in water so they learn to hate getting wet. I had a kitten that had fleas really bad and I had to give it a flea bath because it was to young for the treatment fom the vet and that kitten grew to like water and he could swim. Every time I filled the tub he would jump in and swim around.
Reply:Tigers , Lions, and domestics are ALL in the Feline family.

While there are a few cats that hunt around water, and don't mind stalking around it it, cats cannot swim.

They also don't need to drink anywhere near how much water other animals need to drink. [ I don't know why, and my vet did not have a good answer for that].
Reply:U shouldn't put ur ques here....

U should put it to GOD la......
Reply:My cat CAN swim.

And he loves water, both to drink, to play in, and as a bath, bubble bath, or a shower.

I have to make sure the bathroom door is shut good, or he will get in the shower or tub with me ( or any guests ! ) Try explaining THAT one! ;-)

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