Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tell me what you think...?

i had to write an essay about what we believe in how the world and mankind came to be. So please tell me what you think about my essay and if you find any mistakes please let me know..thanks

I believe that a story of a star that wanted to become a planet just like the other stars and so it grew and grew till it was created for us to call it our world or Mother Earth. Now that the star has become what it always wanted to me, it began to grow beautiful flowers, the blue ocean, green grass, tall mountains, and more. Then Mother Earth decided that it wanted to raise life on its surface. So it began to grow and raise many animals from the dinosaur age. Food was plentiful and large for the animals to roam. Soon after that, what we call evolution began. Animals become smaller and furrier just like the mighty T-rex became, what we think, is a rooster or chicken. Now that many animals are evolving it came up to what we see now. The birds, wolves, tigers, lions, monkeys, and a lot more. As it keeps on evolving it came to where we, human beings, came to be, or what we call ourselves, mankind. As we evolved, our bodies began to take its shape to what it is now and our brains began to think logically. We began to build homes out of Mother Nature. We learned how to make our own weapons for hunting, but it wasn’t apparently it wasn’t enough for us. As Mother Earth kept on growing and providing us with more food and water and land we began to explore these things and began to produce many things. Since many many of us were spread out, each and every one of our ‘clans’ began to produce their own language to communicate with others. As times goes by we educated those young ones to pass down to their generation of children of what they discovered and on the way they will also discover many things they never discovered. As years went by we created our world to what it is now. We created technology like computers and video games. We also created transportation, like the car and airplanes. We discovered about our mankind and we created medicines to those who are sick. We learned how worlds began to form and how Mother Earth began to be, and that’s what brings us back to that tiny star who wanted to become a planet and became what we call, home.

Tell me what you think...?
It's fine. Proofread it though! I see several comma mistakes.

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