Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why does Johncenaboy ask so many question and has three profiles!?

He thinks the Siberian Tiger is the ultimate predator, but they are fat and can't fight.


"Quite frequently the lion versus tiger question focuses on the Amur (Siberian) tiger. People mistakenly believe that the large size of the Amur tiger means a more aggressive animal and therefore a better fighter."

"The fact is, that when it comes to aggression, the Amur tiger lacks the ferocity of its cousin from the Asian sub-continent, which, in turn, lacks the ferocity of the lion by a significant margin."

"TheAmur tiger is slightly longer and somewhat heavier than the Bengal, the difference is less than popularly thought. Much of the Amur tiger's extra bulk is fat for warmth, and a false impression is also given by their thicker longer coat."

Lions can be more aggressive!

A 300 pound Tiger can be killed by a 250 pound Jaguar.

Tigers lose!

Why does Johncenaboy ask so many question and has three profiles!?
personally I think he's older (not a kid) but I think he must have some kind of mental disorder that compels him to just ask the same thing over and over again. I see on one of his questions he makes the assertion that Johncena Boy (now called Rocky Balboa) and I Am A World Fighter (formerly Kenneth Lim) are two friends that both like tigers (although both appear to have exactly the same mental problems!). There are some further accounts of his too I believe. Its only a matter of time before he gets removed because so many people are getting sick of him. But of course he'll just come back with a new account! He is also very aggressive and abusive on occasion. It is irritating that newcomers to Answers respond to his questions because they think they are helping him out, whereas we in the know just mock his idiocy. Seriously I think he needs psychiatric help.

Also check this out too:;...
Reply:I think he has also been kenneth a and john b and kenneth lim and a few other profiles too. I thought he was just a cute little kid at first asking some innocent questions about tigers because he really likes tigers. But now I think he is a bit older than I thought. I was thinking 5 or 6 or something originally based on the horrendous spelling, inability to use spell check, and lack of skills to do the web searches himself. But more recently here I'm thinking a bit older than that perhaps. Easily 12, 13, or 16 I think now. He's actually been around for a year. I think he has answered one of his own questions and given it a thumbs up too.

The ultimate predator is the killer whale, there can be no question. 25% of blue whales have scars from killer whale attacks they somehow managed to survive and who knows how many didn't. Sperm whales can kill and eat giant squid, and that's very impressive, but a pod of killer whales is the ultimate carnivore and ultimate fighter. Not tigers. Maybe on land.

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