Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm not sure if what I believe is evolution or not?

I do believe that God created the universe. But I do believe that it is possible that certiant animals became the animals we see today. For example: I believe that it is possible the that mamoth became todays elephant. I believe it is possible that the saber tooth became one of todays wild cats (lion, tiger etc)

I do not believe I came from an ape. So what IS my belief called?

I'm not sure if what I believe is evolution or not?
It's true you did NOT come from an ape, rather we humans share a common ancestor. Sounds like evolution to me.

In lay terms, we are “cousins”.

Apes have 48 chromosomes; humans 46. Within our genetic make-up is a FUSED pair of primate chromosomes which accounts for the difference.

The genetic marker is on Human chromosome number 2, site base 114,455,823 to 114,455,838.

“Generation and Annotation of the DNA sequences of Human Chromosomes 2 and 4.”

Hillier et al; Nature 434, 724-731 7 (April 2005)
Reply:If you can believe all of the above, why it is such a stretch to imagine we share a common ancestor with a chimpanzee?
Reply:Have you ever thought that maybe evolutions is the way god has created, introduced, and advanced the world over millions of years?
Reply:we did not come from apes, rather we have a same ancestor....
Reply:Maybe you are a DEIST.
Reply:Those who understand evolutionary theory also don't believe we "came from an ape".
Reply:"Micro-evolution". Evoluton is not about belief it is about research and facts. The theory of Evolution is just as good as the theory of gravity. Maybe God used evolution to create life, since there is so much evidence for evolution. God bless.
Reply:It's called your personal belief on (subject)

or a personal belief.
Reply:The things you mention seem pretty obvious don't they? Look at the greater apes, is it also not obvious we are distantly related.

If you try and set aside man's perceived superiority, it will become more clear.
Reply:Ever heard the expression 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing'?

You're part of the way there if you can at least see the logic of mammoth to elephant, and sabre-tooth to big cat. It would help you a lot to understand how such things happen.

But the most important question for you to answer is why you think that somehow humans are not subject to the same process. Have you looked at the evidence? Have you seen the fossil skulls of our ancient ancestors? There's plenty of data - as much if not more than your mammoth or sabretooth.

Is it just pride that tells you that it couldn't happen to people?

An answer above mentions the fused chromosome 2 we have, that is clearly and plainly made up of two older chromosomes - ones that other apes still have separated. Looking at it in detail shows exactly where the join occurred, and even the inactivated centromeres that were once in the middle of the two old chromosomes.

This kind of genetic change happens regularly - if rarely - in nature. It proves beyond all reasonable doubt our full membership of the ape clade. Only ignorance and pride deny this fact.

Reply:I realize you said you don't believe that we evolved from apes, I don't either, but use this as an analogy or to compare.

If we evolved from apes, why aren't we still evolving today. Why did we stop?

That kind of applies to the other animals.
Reply:You seem to have Evolution confused, We did not come from Apes but shared a common ancestor with them.

Try to study up more on the subject and take less into the stereotypes the church tries to feed you.


Ok if I ignore that last part you seem like a Christian who believes in evolution, there are plenty of people like that (including some friends of mine) so it's not a problem.
Reply:Intelligent design says that God ceated the universe with a plan that included evolution as his method of creating all life.

Some believe that man is included in this plan and others think tht man is special.

The only part of man that is in Gods image is our soul since God has no physical image. it is possible that our bodies evolved but our soul was created in Gods image.
Reply:FYI: The ToE does not say that we came from an ape. Humans and apes are primates...cousins...that took different evolutionary paths. Our brains got bigger and more complex, their bodies got bigger and more powerful.

You are describing a variant of "theistic evolution", menaing that evolution is a tool that God used (and presumably still uses) to shape life as we know it.
Reply:We share 98% of genes with apes. They are SO similar to us. I attended an evolution lab class that took us from each stage of our past (Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, etc.) and how we changed. It made perfect sense with Darwinian evolution (i.e., with mutations and natural selection).

Evolution occured with every animal. It's an intrinsic property of life.
Reply:Do you believe that the Universe was created in 6 days?

If so, then how do you reconcile the mammoth, sabre tooth tiger, et al with that, considering they were not here at the same time as human beings?

Evolution does not state that man came from apes.. it says that we have a common ancestor.
Reply:Respectfully: you're hedging.

In fact the current species - including humans - descended from earlier species. This is so well-established that the only way to honestly deny it is to accept that your faith counters scientific knowledge. You do, in fact, have nonhuman ancestors: we all do.

The fact of evolution could be reconciled with a God who created the universe. However, the universe was not created in its current form, at least in the sense that God simply created the various species as they currently are. A creationism that claims that He did is simply wrong.

Thank you for asking this respectfully. You seem to have a good attitude about it, and a good chance of learning to accommodate your religious needs with the facts of the matter. That's an adult stance to take.


Ilovebeingme (below) writes:

"If we evolved from apes, why aren't we still evolving today. Why did we stop?"

What in the world makes people think we've stopped evolving?

If you honestly believe that you can just look around you and tell whether or not we've stopped evolving, you have some kind of really serious, core misconception about evolution.

that thy addapted not evolved
Reply:What about the biblical timeline? Do you believe that life was created in about a week, only about 6000 years ago? Evolution is a difficult concept to conceive as it has happened over millions of years.
Reply:evolution is not true cuz God never dk more than God remember that
Reply:I think what evolution mainly means is how humans came from apes. So I think you don't believe in evolution.

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