Thursday, August 19, 2010

IDEA: New Movie re-living (documentarily factual) Christians witnessing/dying in the Roman Coliseum?

The secular, Christian-bashing community seems totally ignorant of the Early Christian Church and how it came to grow by leaps %26amp; bounds...

How the Romans delighted at rounding up Christians, loading them into the coliseum's and releasing hungry and angry tigers, lions and bears to tear them apart before a cheering crowd...

How the Christians were SINGING GLORY to God as the beasts tore them apart before their loved ones....

How this practice / hobby of the Romans eventually grew to killing the sport and helped Christianity to flourish?

So my question to my fellow Christians is:

What is the liklihood that some producer / director like Mitch Robbins (A Soldier's Christmas) or Dave Christiano (Time Changer) would make a movie along this theme to provide for the general public to see? Is there a web site that takes in suggestions?

If you are among those who elect to be abusive in your answer, you will be reported. Fair warning.

Everyone else-thx for ideas!

090207 5:38

IDEA: New Movie re-living (documentarily factual) Christians witnessing/dying in the Roman Coliseum?
The idea of a movie is great ! And the idea of that evil structure still having one stone standing on another (the coliseum) is repugnant to me. And, I think it was voted, again, as a wonder of the world. I can guarantee that when I voted, it was not voted for!!!

But, just as Mel Gibson, took a lot of heat for "The Passion" I am sure whoever does the movie will too. And, it might not make a lot of money; so, it would have to be a labor of love.

I truly believe that Mel was inspired to make the movie, as God wanted the 21st century viscerally reminded of the horror that Jesus was put through. And, yes, I know that the movie took liberties; that anyone beaten like Jesus is depicted to have been beaten - would have died from it. That is not the point !

What is also true, though, is: men did die from being scourged. And the 39 lashes were so that they didn't get that one more lash, which may indeed be the death lash.

Reply:What an odd thing to desire.

Why re-visit ancient atrocities when you can turn on the TV and view current ones?

Hello, sister, it's happening in the here and now... except it's a certain president who's releasing christians into the arena.
Reply:Maybe if you superimpose the behavior of modern day christians to that, it may be an interesting juxtaposition.
Reply:actually why don't you take it to the next step

didn't Hitler round up those in the name of Christ who persecuted Christians and put them in camps, etc?

Hitler was a total loon who also professed Christ... he was focussed on ushering in a new millenium or Third Reich
Reply:Well I do believe there are several out there, perhaps not solely dedicated to Christians. In fact a show was on the history channel a few nights ago. It was on death/executions. A large portion of it was committed to the deaths in the Colosseum.
Reply:Well, unlike the Passion, it would be based on ACTUAL history, not made up Roman novels tuned into religions.. SO hey, why not?

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