Sunday, August 22, 2010

I have dreams for several years of being hunted by tigers and i always find safe ground yet i'm afraid, why?

i have viewed lion mauling videos before could that be the reason? if so how do i end the dreams?

I have dreams for several years of being hunted by tigers and i always find safe ground yet i'm afraid, why?
Recurrent dreams are our attempt to solve a problem that recurs too. Notice when you have the dream. What happened before it? Perhaps you have it only after being in a particular place or with a particular person. Who would you describe as a tiger that's in your life and scares you in some way?

In our dreams we tell ourselves stories, usually in metaphor, to come to some solution or a better emotional equilibrium with the events of our day. We are trying to resolve something and we have insights that are often not available to us in our waking lives.

What happened just preceeding this dream? What is/was in your life needs to be changed? Who/what does the tiger

represent in your life? You probably already know. The dream says you can handle it.

You are the final authority on what your dreams mean.
Reply:Tigers represent power. The fact that you always find safe ground in your dream indictates that this power is not beating you. Visualising a different ending to dreams can sometimes make the threat in the dream go away. When you are relaxed in bed, either before you go to sleep ,or when you wake from one of these dreams, concoiusly go back into the dream and change it to your advantage. For example you might decide to catch the tigers somehow and take them to somewhere they can't chase you any more. Just reminding yourself that you always get to a safe place should help you to relax and be able to conquer them. good luck.
Reply:i think the tigers might be symbolic of several things.

1. debt

2. family problems

3 work related problems

4. aggressive individuals in your life

5. relationship problems

when you find your safe ground it could be:

1. a place you find sanctuary in such as a church, your homes, somewhere peaceful, etc.

2. someone who cares about you

3. an object of comfort

even when you have found solace, you know that you have not solved your problems; even though you are on a safe ground, the tiger (your problems) still remain. You might want to find a way to overcome your problems but it requires that you identify that problem first.

As for the videos, don't worry about it. during the later part of my middle schoo years, I kept being bothered by dreams of vampires and sharks but they eventually went away. I preoccupied my sleep with other thoughts or just thought of ways to fight back in my dreams.

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