Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is it illegal to own all exotic pets in kentucky?

Last year kentucky banned dangerous exotic pets, but I guess the moronic government doesn't realize that dogs cause more deaths than any other pet, yet they are still legal. They mentioned tigers, lions, clouded leopards, leopards, snow leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, venomous snakes, dangerous primates, and quacker parakeets (which aren't dangerous). What are the other animals made illegal to own? Are servals, caracals, fennec foxes, coatis, pirahna, and large snakes still legal?

Is it illegal to own all exotic pets in kentucky?
it's illegal anywhere...
Reply:you have to contact the animal center of tour town

they will answer THEY CAN BE LEGAL TO OWN AS PETS.

alot of people answer and don't even know anything about it. Report It

Reply:stupid question yo!

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