Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do so many people have a problem with being related to monkeys?

People accept lions, tigers and domestic cats as being related.

Why the hang up on us being just a part of the primate family?

Why do so many people have a problem with being related to monkeys?
I have absolutely no idea, really I don't.
Reply:Monkeys are smarter than some people.
Reply:I have no problem being related to monkeys! Now ask if I fell the human race descended from monkeys and yes I have a problem with that!
Reply:Because they dont like anything but the chimpz.
Reply:I think, simply because it is not true.

See New scientific discovery proving Adam and Eve:

Book, "TWO BIRDS ... ONE STONE", by Denis Towers, via Xulon Press or
Reply:Being related to monkeys is a common misdirection tool that Christians try to use to disprove evolution. Yet when a modest amount of logic is applied, we can help this from happening.

When you put a human next to an orangutan, it is easy for the religious to say "What, there's no way that are we related". Yet when you start putting the prehistoric humans between the modern human and the orangutan, then you start to see just how probable it is. You see the common slope of the cromagnon man, and you start to think how amazing it is that we really are distant cousins.

This kind of data is easy to disbelieve. But one has to realize that cromagnon man lived 30 to 40 thousand years ago. Now when you put a Neanderthal between the cromagnon man and the Orangutan, the evidence is quite overwhelming. (Neanderthals lived about 350,000 years ago).

Christians often use the argument: "If we evolved from monkeys, how come there are still monkeys around". That just shows that they are being argumenative and not thinking about the process of evolution. If that kind of logic worked, then there would only be one skin color of man, one type of shark, one type of simian, one type of bird. Clearly this logic is flawed and only used to be argumentative without an ounce of thought behind it.
Reply:I'm not a monkey or ape wantabee.
Reply:uh, maybe because we're not

i was created in the image of my God

to I am Laurie: God spoke them into being he took a whole day to create adam and the animals, and everyother thing. he is perfect. and one day i'm going to be with him.
Reply:i just dont like most monkies, im sorry.
Reply:No problems. I have evolved but envy monkey's ability to jump so smoothly from place to place.
Reply:Because we didn't come from monkeys. Man is a direct creation by God. Gen. 2:7
Reply:They want to believe in the Biblical concept of "POOF"...and suddenly, there was Adam in the Garden of Eden. Then "POOF", Adam loses a rib and gains a female partner, Eve.

Most Christians want to believe in the infallibility of the bible...that's it's the word of God per se and not the musings of man filled with parables and metaphors. The goal of course, being to teach how to live a good and righteous life.

Where in the Bible does in mention dinosaurs? Dragons? I don't think so...and what about cavemen? Homo Erectus?

Or did man de-evolve after Adam and Eve to become Cro-Mags and Neanderthals???

Why is evolution a concept so hard to grasp? Can't we still believe in God and still have evolved from simians???

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Reply:Because if we evolved from mokeys, {or from you LoL (cause your an ape)}

then why are there still mokeys? Besides, Why haven't I seen a mokey turn into a human in the years of my lifetime?
Reply:Scientifically and biologically the first human evolved from a particular species of monkey. We need not hang our head for that reason. Otherwise how we can explain our monkey mind and its pranks.
Reply:What people object to is the Theory of Evolution, and the rejection of the Creation.

Being related to monkeys just makes a good sound bite.
Reply:Hmm... because we aren't, never have been.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys because macro-evolution (monkey to human) does not exist, nor has it ever been scientifically proven and it can't due to the genes factor.

Micro-evolution (a variety of different dogs for example, mated from a dog) does exist and can be proven.

Genises 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Reply:dude, why would I want to be related to a hairy chimp?
Reply:I do not think that people have a problem with it. The attitude that is prevelant among members of the human race is that we really do not know where our evolutionary tree is. The theory of Darwinism is never been proven and before he died Charles Darwin admitted to making the entire theory up in his own mind. Without dispute or evidence to support we adopted his theory as fact until something else comes along disputing the evolution theory or with facts that give evidence of the true evolution. The really sad part is that we continue to teach this theory as fact in the schools to children that will absorb the theory as their evolutionary path. The other story is just as wild, and starts with, " On the first day, God created the heavens and the earth." I guess the real question is when the church was separated from the education system they needed their own answer to the beginning. Flip a coin if you need to identify with one or the other. The fact that we are here is plainly sufficient for me. My evolution is fairly unimportant since we do not know anyway. If you do not know why make something up?
Reply:This is one Glorified Ape that is proud of the fact that I have primate blood!
Reply:The majority of people in today's society find hope and comfort in the idea that we all derived from Adam and Eve and there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. By bringing up the history of evolution, it is like you are stealing that hope away. People tend to get defensive, not always because they are dedicated to their religion and belive in it fully- but because they refuse to grasp the concept that maybe OUR fate is that of a chimp. And people do not want to be reduced to the level of a monkey. We all were raised thinking that we were the all mighty species and as long as we were "good little boys and girls", heaven was going to await us. To alot of people, by believing in evolution, you are denying the existance of heaven and most people dont want forfeit the hope they feel by believing in the after life

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