Friday, July 16, 2010

Why are wild cats and dogs feared?

Like lions, tigers, wolves, coyotes. People own their domesticated relatives. And people arent scared of other animals, like monkeys, deer, rabbits, elephants, and there arent any domesticated versions of those animals. And folklore always depicts them as the antagonist.

Why are wild cats and dogs feared?
Exactly. Those animals aren't domesticated. Mankind tampered with cats and dogs and made them harmless. Monkeys, deer, rabbits, elephants still are in tune with their natural instincts and behavior. But something as harmless as a rabbit may be feared because nobody wants rabies. And folklore always uses animals in the tale. Sometimes they're good, sometimes their bad, it just depends on the story.
Reply:cuz they're.... um..... lets see... WILD!!!???
Reply:Uh, because they like...BITE, dude, and they could kill you without thinking twice about it. Seems like a pretty good reason to fear them. Wild animals are unpredictable.

We're not afraid of domesticated animals because they are domesticated. They're not as dangerous.
Reply:wild cats/dogs have been known to attack and kill. why in the world would anyone be scared of an elephant? they dont generally kill people, and neither do rabbits or deer, or other animals like that.
Reply:bcuz they can attack without provoking them
Reply:Let's see, if those animals bite, its gotta hurt. Folklore uses animals that provoke the biggest fear in people to them a lesson. As for those rabbits, I've heard of rabid rabbit stories.
Reply:Because before humans developed modern weaponry, wild cats and dogs preyed upon us.

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