Tuesday, July 20, 2010

If god is so nice.......?

why would a god create animals that can kill you, eat you, maim you, hurt you, disfigure you........Like lions, tiger, rattle snakes, sharks, bears, even bees (for some people)....yes, humans may be the most sophisticated species, but you dump a human into the jungle with no possesions (like back when "god" created the world 4000 years ago..lol) we wouldnt stand a chance!!!

hmm...if you prayed not to be eaten, would the starving pride of loinesses turn away?

sounds like a cruel god to me, why would you serve a thing like that...


If god is so nice.......?
Coz the bible tells these freaks that it was ok back then.
Reply:Animals aren't even the worst of it. Christians believe in a god who created the microbes which cause the Black Death, anthrax, yellow fever, polio, small pox, AIDS, and a host of other diseases. He also created cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, lymphoma, and a host of other ways for the human body to break down.

The Darwinian explanation of "nature red in tooth and claw" makes sense. Creationists just have to fall back on "god's mysterious ways" - ways which if a human exhibited them would be considered psychopathic.
Reply:These animals weren't wild before sin entered the world through Adam!!
Reply:They will say that before Adam and Eve ate the apple, all animals were tame.

But they forget that God created the situation that made eve eat the apple in the first place.
Reply:Death and destruction are products of sin. Note: the animals didn't attack Adam or Eve, things didn't die until they sinned.

By the way have you every read the story of Daniel and his night in the lions den? There were a bunch of hungry lions in there, and God shut their mouths so he spent a night with them and they didn't even scratch him. Through this Gods power and majesty was revealed and the king declared Daniel's God to be the true and the living God.

God is love! And is faithful to take care of His children.

God Bless!
Reply:Because he is not "nice" nor "cruel." Such things are limited human perceptions and an omnipotent God can never fit that. These views are for those without real faith in a higher power- faith in an unlimited God engenders a humility before creation and acceptance for what they cannot understand.
Reply:Let's go back, say the 4,000 years you indicated--which by the way is INACCURATE, when God created the animals and man.

Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden..ALONE with ALL those animals. Did they get eaten? NO

All things were PERFECT. God created things PERFECT, man, beast, plants etc...

It was MAN that caused disharmony between animals and man.

Scriptures indicate that a time is coming when the lamb will lay beside the lion, indicating that once again peace will be brought back between animals and men.

Your reasoning is flawed and your arguement is weak.
Reply:He serves me. Right? It serves me right.
Reply:When Adam ate the fruit off the tree when God told him not too. Adam gave the devil the right rule the earth (BUT Jesus is coming back!)Also God isn't a bad God..he is awesome! read John 10:10 it talks about the theft (devil) that kills steals and destroys
Reply:well ........ that is Satan's way of doing things........ you remember he was put here on earth way before we were made........ and remember when Jesus gets back ......the lamb will lay down with the lion.
Reply:Ever heard of Daniel in the lions den? Someday the lion will lay down with the lamb. Read the Bible.
Reply:I am more than flesh and blood and there is more than this physical sinful world.
Reply:Answer's in Genesis if you're truly interested. :)

Oh and the world was created 6,000 years ago. The flood was 4,000 years ago.
Reply:I fear being killed by man - more than any animal-

-- God cruel-- again- fellow man is more cruel %26amp; hateful than any animal .... and definately more cruel than God-
Reply:yeah the christian God is soo F^cked up its not even funny!!!

And Christians wonder why atheist don't believe in that stuff jee i wonder why ???
Reply:Originally all creation lived in harmony and their was no death UNTIL man sinned....quit blaming God like a childish 3 year old.

Read Genesis.
Reply:Who in the world thinks that God created all this mess? It's like the misinformed leading the maladjusted.

Evolution, (Which God did or did not create directly or indirectly) caused all these animals to have these protective capabilities simply to preserve their own competitive survival. It has nothing to do with how Humans see them or how they might do harm to people.

I have prayed all my life to not be eaten. So far so good.

I think God is real, but God is just not what most people think God is.

One more thing - where does it say that God is nice???
Reply:heard of Daniel in the lions den?
Reply:Dump a few humans into the wilderness with no possessions and they stand a pretty good chance, especially if they stick together and sharpen up some spears.

We survived as the hominid line for several million years, obviously we have something working in our favor.

If you are looking for mean things done by God, predators are peanuts. He flooded the whole flippin world and killed every person, every infant, every pregnant mother, all but one family. We can all be very thankful that God is nothing but a fictional character. Can you imagine sharing a universe with a monster like that? Our first priority would have to be figuring out a way to kill it.

Rev Einstein and others - if all of creation lived in harmony and there was no death at one time, then all the carnivores would have been starving. They can all be thankful that we ate that fruit and thus saved them from extinction.

God created earth, and everything in it, for man, and gave it to them to rule over. (See Genesis 1:26)

God created earth and everything was very good. (See Genesis 1:31a)

Adam and Eve sins against God - God dwells no more among them. Man gave their possession, the earth and everything in it, over to Satan.

(When Satan tempts Jesus) Luke 4:5 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours."

I understand when people look at all the evil and detestable things happening in this world, and think "How can God be good?". But the thing is, all these horrible things are not from him, and he was not the one who brought them in here! Man did, and man still do to this day! What we see are the consequences of sin and disobeying God and his instructions. Man gave this world over to Satan, and he is the one ruling it (but not forever!).

1 John 5:19-20a We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true.

So, to answer your question, the animals went crazy after the fall of man. They were not meant to. But God will restore all things, all creation, in a way that will also affect animal behavior. Those being in the Kingdom of God that day will see this:

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. Infants will play near the hole of the cobra; young children will put their hands into the viper's nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

Isaiah 11:6-9
Reply:The ancient man had no tools, yet he was able to have dominion over these animals. Lot of these tools, including a bow and arrow, wooden sticks are freely available in nature.

And man has something the creatures do not, more intelligence. Remember the David and Goliath story?

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