Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who would win, a Lion or a Tiger?

In a striaght out claw to claw, paw to paw, jaw to jaw fight, who would be most likely to win? My money is on the Tiger since, not only do they defend their family like the lions, but they also go out and hunt which gives them more experience. And they seem to have more muscle mass than the Lions.

Who would win, a Lion or a Tiger?
Tigers are a powerfully builted cat in the world, so anything other than a tiger would less powerfully built.


-Average of 12 ft long (3.6 m)

-Average of 39 1/2 inches tall (1 m)

-Weight average of 795 lb (360 kg)


-Average of 7 1/2 ft long (2.3 m)

-Average of 31 1/2 inches tall (1 m)

-Weight average of 495 lb (225 kg)
Reply:Ligers are bred for their skills and magic.
Reply:A Tiger would win beyond doubt. Lions are not equiped to fight in such a match
Reply:The lion would most probably parry the tiger's assaults with his scruffy crown of facial hair, and then sting the tiger with the horned tip of his tail, and then scare him to death with his thunderous roars right in the face.

Then the tiger would be all shooked up like Elvis Presley, and would tell the lion he won't try to fight him again.
Reply:wouldn't know. never seen a lion and a tiger fight. if I ever do, I probably won't stick around long enough to find out! lol...watch discovery channel. Maybe they could help you with that answer.

Napolean Dynamite ... lol...love the sense of humor whoever put this. thanks for the laugh! :)
Reply:Two males, a tiger - probably 80% of the time; some lions could win. The gender issue only struck me as important because of the first answer. I'm not sure how big the female tiger is although I don't think it'd be small, all tigers live in solitary.
Reply:male or female?

Hey, don't laugh...it's important!
Reply:Tigers do have a slight size advantage, but live a solitary life most of the time. Lions tend to fight quite frequently (especially the males) and so may be better prepared for a fight than a tiger.

I would say that you would have to repeat the fight several times with various cats from each species to get a better idea, since neither is likely to win every single time.

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